Dwayne’s House Foundation is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization and we can accept property and financial donations.
We need Financial Donations for flooring, beds, and other expenses.
If you would like to give a one time gift you can donate by credit or debit card through PaypPal without creating a PayPal account.
If you would like to give an automatic recurring monthly gift, then you will need a PayPal account.
You are also welcome to use the form below to contact us if you’d like to mail in a check or provide other types of donations. Thank you for your support!
Donate to Dwaynes House
We need Financial Donations for flooring and beds. We also need a Lawn Mower, Weed Eater, Thermostat, Personal hygiene items, Cooking utensils, Bathroom decor, garage door opener, keypad, vent hood, dishwasher cleansing pods, and many other items. If you have something you can donate, please let us know by completing the form below.